Could your daily commute contribute to hearing loss?

It is a fact of life that cities are noisy places. Could that noise be contributing to hearing loss?

A recent study conducted in Toronto suggests yes, it could. Measurements were taken in various vehicles: subway, streetcars, buses and cars, and while waiting on the street or platform. While the average noise did not reach levels that would cause hearing loss, short bursts of noise such as squeeling brakes and screeching tires did.

Over time continued exposure to loud bursts of noise can lead to permanent hearing loss and tinnitus. So, what’s the answer? Hearing protection such as custom or foam plugs could help protect our ears from short bursts of noise while commuting to and from work.

For more information please contact Accurate Hearing at:

Lower Sacville: 902-252-3004

Cole Harbour: 902-406-4327


For the study please see the link below:

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