Hearing aids and brain health

Every day it seems there are new studies linking hearing to brain health. Furthermore, they all seem to agree that treating hearing loss can lead to better cognitive performance when compared to people with untreated hearing loss.

The latest study was published by Science Daily. It followed two groups and tracked their cognitive function by performing a series of annual tests. The group who wore hearing aids performed better than the group that did not.

While this research is in its early stages, it does provide more evidence that treating hearing loss has positive effects on brain function. The takeaway here is that if you have a diagnosed hearing loss, treating it earlier rather than later may be important to maintaining brain as well as hearing health.

For more information or to book an appointment please contact Accurate Hearing at one of our convenient locations:

Lower Sackville: 902-252-3004

Cole Harbour: 902-406-4327


You can a summary of the study mentioned above here:


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