Why You’ve Got to Stop Thinking Hearing Aids Will Make You Look Old

Modern Hearing Aids in 2024: Sleek, Small, and Life-changing


We can’t count the number of times we have heard some version of, “I can’t get hearing aids, they will make me look old.” People often envision wearing a big clunky piece of technology that every one will notice making them look old. Luckily with the newest in hearing aid technology in 2024 hearing aids are smaller and more discreet than ever. 

Hearing aids are much smaller than they used to be and come in a variety of colours to help them blend in with your hair or skin. We carry models that fit over the ear and in the ear, many of which are nearly invisible. 

Combine that with the fact that many people now wear wireless headphones Bluetooth connected to their phone and not many will give your hearing aids a second glance, if they notice at all.

Something else to consider: 

The effects of hearing loss are often more noticeable than a hearing aid.

In fact, it is often family and friends that notice hearing loss first because hearing typically decreases gradually enough that we may not realize it ourselves. 

Missing conversation and continually asking for repetition can be very frustrating for everyone involved. Therefore, wearing hearing aids may actually make your hearing loss more discreet than not wearing them.

Many people who know they would benefit from hearing aids but hold off on getting them.

Yet, research consistently shows that the pros of hearing aids outweigh the cons. 

We know that people with untreated hearing loss are at higher risk of anxiety and depression, cognitive decline, falls, and social isolation. 

People who wear hearing aids report a higher quality of life, higher confidence, better communication with loved ones, enhanced social engagement, enhanced mobility, and more awareness of their surroundings. 

We’ve heard it all from cost to appearance, concerns about technology proficiency and knowing someone else who has them and doesn’t use them. But as hearing professionals we know that most of these objections have an easy solution once you start working with one of our providers.

Don’t miss out on better hearing because of an outdated idea of what they look like. Everyone deserves to feel good while they hear their best.

Stop Thinking Hearing Aids Will Make You Look Old

How we look and are perceived by others is something that many of us are concerned about, especially when it comes to aging. 

This can make some people hesitant to invest in hearing aids despite the proven benefits of wearing hearing aids. Modern technology has made hearing aids more discreet than ever! Many people say that the effects of hearing loss and asking for repetition is actually more noticeable and aging than wearing hearing aids.

Come by one of our hearing clinics to find a hearing aid that fits with your style needs. With today’s technology finding a hearing aid that’s right for your lifestyle is easier than ever. 

Book an appointment at one of our two locations in Dartmouth and Sackville to get started on your better hearing journey!

Cole Harbour: 902-406-4327

Lower Sackville: 902-252-3004