Posted on: October 23, 2019

When our hearing is good we take for granted being able to hear everything our Doctor or other health care professionals tell us. This is important, especially when receiving treatment information such as when to take medications and at what dosage.

However, untreated hearing loss can make it difficult to follow what we are being told. In fact, in one survey published in Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, patients with hearing loss reported that they had lower active participation in their own health care. Much of this was related to not being able to hear or understand what the health professional was saying. Of course, this can lead to poor health outcomes if we are not receiving all the information we need.

This is one of the many ways untreated hearing loss can impact our quality of life. Fortunately, there are more solutions than ever in modern hearing aids. With customizable technology your hearing can be improved so that you don’t miss those important pieces of information regarding your health care.

For more information please contact Accurate Hearing at one of our convenient locations:

Lower Sackville: 902-252-3004

Cole Harbour: 902-406-4327