Signs of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is usually gradual and subtle. Following are some symptoms that people often notice:

  • Quality of speech and other sounds seems muffled or indistinct
  • Difficulty understanding speech in background noise such as crowds
  • Frequently asking others to repeat themselves or talk more slowly or loudly
  • Requiring the tv or radio to be turned up so that it is uncomfortable for others
  • Withdrawal from conversations and/or avoidance of some social settings due to difficulty following conversations
  • Fatigue at the end of the day, a result of straining to hear conversation.

It is important that people have their hearing tested if they notice any of these symptoms. Untreated hearing loss can lead to more serious consequences such as decreased quality of life and feelings of anxiety and depression.

After age 55 people should have their hearing tested approximately every 2 years. People under age 55 should have their hearing tested regularly but on a less frequent basis.

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